Universities Grading System in Nigeria.
Universities Grading System in Nigeria, it’s quite cool for every students to know his or her grading points.
In Nigeria universities, grading systems are of two categories; the GPA and CGPA.
GPA means Grading point average ( otherwise called GP by most students) and CGPA also means Cumulative Grading point average.
Here are examples of marks/score, letters and grade points.
Marks/score Grade. Grade points
70% above. A. 5.00
60%–69%. B. 4.00
50% –59%. C. 3.00
45% –49%. D. 2.00
40%– 44%. E. 1.00
0%– 39%. F. 0. 00
Every course carries a fixed number of credit units (CU), Quality point (QP) are derived from multiplying the credit units (Cu) for a course by the grade points (GP) earned by the students in that course.
If in a 3 credit units course, John score 68% which is the grade B with a grade point of 4.00, the quality point of the students in that course will be 3x 4=12.
Or in 4 credit units course, Aisosa score 50% which is the grade C with the grade point of 3.00, the quality point of the students in that course will be 4×3=12.
From the both the higher the credit load, the more you study to boast your Grades points.
Credit load can be check in your prospectus. For example there “4 credit loads”, 3 credit loads and 2 credit loads “. Noted that “4 credit load” is more far important than a “2 credit loads ” course. Ofcourse you can see the clear difference from the examples I gave earlier.
Credits loads of courses in most universities like uniben, Unilag, unical and others are of 1, 2, 3, and 4.
Importance of GPA
- You will seen as top serious Students at the faculty and even the VC’s lists.
- A good GPA makes you available to sit for all top college examination.
- It’s give you chance to apply for any political positions you want for yourself.
- It’s increase your chances of getting scholarship from the school.
CGPA stands for cumulative Grading Point Average.
Your CGPA represent the average of your grades in a semester. Most universities in Nigeria, uses five (5) grading system. This means your final grade point is over five(5).
How to Calculate CGPA
CGPA = [( grade value of first course x credit load of first course) + (Grade value of second course x credit load of second course ) — (credit loads of first course + credit load of second course)]
Noted your CGPA
First Class Division (5.00 – 4.50 CGPA)
Second Class Upper Division (4.49- 3.50 CGPA).
Second Class Lower Division (3.49 – 2.40 CGPA)
Third Class Division (2.39 – 1.50 CGPA).
Best wishes to jounery for academic Success.
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